MELBOURNE’S Aimee Mackin will miss the upcoming AFL Women’s season after sustaining an ACL injury while playing Gaelic football at home in Ireland on the weekend.

Mackin, who is a star of the Ladies Gaelic Football Association (LGFA), suffered the injury in Armagh’s Ulster final match against Dengal, with scans later confirming the devastating news.

Jessie Mulholland, Melbourne’s Head of Women’s Football, offered her support for Mackin in such difficult circumstances.

“It’s obviously such a disappointing outcome, injuring herself so close to the beginning of our season,” Mulholland told Melbourne Media.

“Although we are thousands of kilometres away, we are wrapping our arms around Aimee and will offer whatever support we can in these challenging circumstances.

“There’s lots to work through as we decide how to approach the rest of the season, however, our thoughts at the moment are focused on Aimee and her recovery.”

Mackin, the younger sister of Blaithin Mackin, played her first season of AFLW in 2023, featuring across six games and scoring two goals in what was a fantastic effort for a newcomer to the sport.

In the LGFA, Mackin has celebrated a successful season thus far, taking her team of Armagh to a Division 1 League Championship title. In April’s Championship game, Mackin scored the winning goal to give Armagh victory.

Melbourne AFLW begin preseason on Monday 3 June, with Round 1 due to take place over the weekend of 30 August – 1 September.