After months of planning and undertaking, the club starts arriving at Melbourne Airport at 9pm.

Two planes are taking over the Melbourne Football Club to China, with the first set to leave at 11.50pm and the other at 12.45am Monday.

The players, staff and special guests arrive in their brand new sparkling red t-shirts featuring ‘Melbourne Football Club China - Kaspersky Cup AFL Shanghai Showdown’.

Most of the first plane contains Melbourne staff with a sprinkling of players. I am in a middle row setting with Melbourne staff Penny Boadle, Anthony Brown and David Chippendall.

Lynden Dunn and Paul Johnson are in front. I already notice poor PJ battling for leg room, although he doesn’t carry on.

Soon we’re off on our 14-day tour of China - from Moganshan to Shanghai to Beijing and then Hong Kong.